Saturday, October 30, 2004

President Kelly flies to Coralia

Over the last few days something that doesn't really effect Talamthom has been taking place on the far island of Coralia. This something is a political and ideological upheaval to the extent of a bloodless regime change. It is believed (according to Tománn Independent sources) that the Head of State, Grand Duke Gasgan, changed the country into a Socialist state at the click of his fingers without due consultation to anybody. The Madlandian Broadcasting and Communications Corp says;

In a last minute development in the Grand Duchy of Coralia, the Grand Duke of such nation, Gasgan VI decided to suddenly turn Coralia into a socialist state. This comes just a few hours after Edgard Portela and the RPC were swept into power in Coralia in elections supervised by a International Commission.

President Kelly upon hearing this got on board a Aer Tománn plane and flew to the Madlandian-sponsored Coralia Convention to join such nations as the Red Antilles and The Empire of Lemuria around the discussion table with the factions of Coralian politics at loggerheads. The two factions are 'Emperor' Gasgan's Democratic People's Republic of Coralia and Portela's Grand Duchy of Coralia (which represent the pre-socialist state regime). In a strange twist last night though a third party, which claims to represent two of the Coralian Provinces which calls itself The Grand Duchy of Gedinne & Corraun, showed up briefly without officially signing-in its delegation. This third faction is led by a man who calls himself King Oz the First.

Confused? Well so are we. The upshot of all this is that President Kelly has flown over in an attempt to help facilitate a reunification between the three opposing factions in an effort to find a middle ground. This extra work for the President is something that will be done as a side issue worthy of his focus and is understood will not effect his work in Talamthom. We will give you any reports on his work as and when we receive it.


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