Friday, February 25, 2005

Portela The Great Hope for the Right Wing

Following the resignation of Edgard Portela from the Nation Freedom Party a new dawn is being hailed for the Tománnach right-wing. His departure was formally announced following the President ordering action against the NFP Leader's unconstitutional activities in Mainistir. Mr Portela made a brief but decisive statement to the NFP Headquarters citing Vindrus York's behaviour as the main reason for departure.

Despite York's parting shot at Portela, in which he said that the young NFP member had contributed nothing to the party, there is a firm belief that any new right-wing party will be headed by him. It is not known quite what form a new right-wing party will take or even what any of its policies may be, but it is a firm intention that it will be up and running and prepared to challenge the old guard of the CPT and DLP in the next election.

Come election day, provided all goes to plan, the right wing will finally become a respected entity within Tománn politics, something it came close to, but never quite achieved with the NFP.


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