Saturday, March 05, 2005

Talamthom Heads Towards The Southern Seas

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With the submission of the Tománnach Military Act our Republic is finally getting nearer to establishing a fully functioning military. The act sets out the provisions needed for the governance of such a body within the Republic and in her overseas territories. The Act will establish a Ministry of Defence and a Defence Minister in addition to laying out such things as the Commander in Chief's powers.

Talamthom will be the centre of the Military when established. As well as the establishment of a base in Tománn Indo-China, the Tománnach colony bought from the Chinese Soviet Republic in late 2004, there will be a base established on a small island called Santos Laguna in the South-Western Seas. The Island has been claimed and subsequently acquired soley for the purpose of establishing a base there. All that is known of the history of the island is that its discoverers, and subsequent first idigenous population, were a mutinous crew of Spanish merchants that got themselves shipwrecked, in 1792. The original population of the island is believed to have died out in the late 1880s.

There has been a bill submitted, The Santos Laguna Act, to define the governance of the island. The island as a result of its status as a military base will be governed by the Defence Minister via the Ministry of Defence, with the Tománnach Constitution used as the highest point of law.

Yesterday, the Labour Party of Talamthom leader Alex Garine launched an unprecedented attack in his Aontacht Newspaper on the Democratic Labour Party. He accused them of 'selling out', supporting imperialism and being right-wing. The DLP today responded via their in-house newspaper, The Sapphire Sunrise, to Alex Garine's article by claiming that the LPT was prepared to compromise national security in favour of party ideology.

This battleground looks set to overshadow the current Dáil proceedings and the establishment of the Military if it doesn't cease any time soon. We may see protest voting in the Dáil from the LPT in the weeks to come, much in the same vein as Vindrus York's famed 'virtual apathy'. Curiously though Alex Garine has proposed an amendment to the Dáil procedural rules whereby the abstentions from voting don't effect voting thresholds. Is he digging in for war?


At 12:18 p.m., Blogger T.S. Ó Ceallaigh said...

Thankyou reader of the Tománn Independent for your views. Your comments are always welcome if they help contextualise the story a little more. The articles in the Independent are the most unbiased in the Republic but of course are still subjective to an extent. Thankyou once more, please continue reading the Tománn Inde.


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