Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Electoral commissioner Appointed

After a delay of nearly two months Talamthom, 11 days shy of her 1st birthday as a Republic, is finally preparing for the second elections. The elections were initially delayed due to a constitutional battle, which nearly went to court, when a citizen suitable for the role of electoral commissioner couldn't be found that met the constitutions requirements in article 13.

Luckily for Talamthom Lord Chief Justice Kevin Gladstone returned from his absence just at the right time. President Ó Ceallaigh had already begun to prepare for the elections regardless of the lack of electoralcommissionerr and so the arrival of Gladstonerelievedd the pressure somewhat.

Following the successful votes in both the Dáil and Citizens' Council as per the constitutional requirements Gladstone was elected without one single objection being raised. He is expected to ratify the electoral roll as a priority and provide the President with a schedule as soon as possible. His work is likely to be set back a day though due to technical issues with ezboard. Expect the publishing of the election schedule here as soon as we have it.


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