The Courtyard Resumes Normal Service
President Tomás Ó Ceallaigh has announced the arrival of the New Courtyard (An Clós Nua) as a temporary measure to bypass the problems occuring in the regular Courtyard forum, and indeed the rest of the board.
After seeing some advice on the EZBoard support forums the President said.
"For some reason, known only to ezboard, all new forum pages created after the diasaster are fully funtional and replies work without error messages coming up on screen. Upon the return of posts/function to the Old Courtyard any activities from this one will be moved into it so that we can carry on as normal."
An Clós Nua will remain on the board until the problems on the rest of the board and in An Sean Clós have been fixed. No other forums will receive the same treatment at present as it is hoped the problem will not persist for too long. If the situation isn't rectified by Saturday then the widespread opening of more 'mirror' forums will take place.
In the mean time all citizens or foreign diplomats and well-wishers can post inside in An Clós Nua - this for the time being will be the only functioning point of contact for the Republic.
I would advise against starting mirror forums on the same board, as there is a chance that they'll be overwritten if a board is restored. I think it'd be better to start something on entirely new board.
Well we are only doing it for one forum at the moment to keep things in one place. Should it be overwritten it shouldn't be too much of a loss as important things such as the electoral roll and the constitution are saved elsewhere. Thankyou for your concerns and advice though!!
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